Notwithstanding Excluded circumstances item (d) under “Machinery Breakdown (Physical Damage and Expediting Cost) this policy extends to cover that if during the period of insurance thereof of any Machinery (described in the Schedule) of the policy and used by the Insured at the Premises for the purpose of the Business be effected by the circumstances under Machinery Breakdown (Physical Damage and Expediting Cost) endorsement, and the business carried on by the Insured at the premises be in consequence thereof be interrupted or interfered with, the insurers will pay the Insured the amount of the loss in respect of Gross Profits,
Costs, Payroll and Additional Increased Cost of Working, resulting from such interruption of interference in accordance with the provisions contained therein under Basis of Settlement 10.1 to 10.4
Costs, Payroll and Additional Increased Cost of Working, resulting from such interruption of interference in accordance with the provisions contained therein under Basis of Settlement 10.1 to 10.4