Seorang broker pernah bertanya: Mohon dapat dijelaskan “excluding underground activities”. Apa yang dimaksud dengan underground, mengingat pekerjaan construction dengan alat bored kemungkinan untuk mengerjakan proyek pemb uatan diafragma wall (dinding penahan underpass), atau pembuatan basement parker, di mana ada galian tanah, kemudian alat itu bekerja di bawah tetapi bukan seperti pekerjaan dalam pertambangan. Kiranya anda dapat menjelaskan kepada kami supaya tidak terjadi “grey area” bilamana sampai terjadi klaim.
Sebetulnya underground work sangat jelas, yaitu semua pekerjaan di bawah permukaan tanah. Sehingga tidak perlu ada “grey area”
Underground structures: structures built beneath the earth’s surface. Such components of underground construction as architectural planning, construction methods, structural elements and their shoring, and waterproofing and air conditioning are determined by the structure’s purpose and the properties of the surrounding rock or earth.
Underground structures fall into several groups:
- Transportation and hydraulic-engineering tunnels;
- Subway facilities;
- Power plants, chiefly hydroelectric;
- Warehouse and cold storage;
- Such municipal installations as pedestrian underpasses, garages, and municipal conduits;
- Reservoirs for drinking water; facilities for oil and gas storage;
- Containers for burying harmful industrial wastes;
- Industrial enterprises;
- Medical institutions;
- And military installation.
- A special group consists of the underground structures of mines located at the shaft bottom: underground power plants; car parks; and pumping and medical stations. This group also includes facilities connecting the surface structures with the working faces: mine shafts, main drifts, and galleries.
Risk in underground works can be include:
1. Potential damage to the properties of third parties
2. Risk to the contractor’s work force and equipment
3. Risk to partially complete works of the employer
Cause of loss can be:
1. Natural hazard
2. Lack of construction skill/bad workmanship
3. Poor construction material
4. Etc.
Dengan demikian, kesimpulannya adalah:
- Semua pekerjaan di bawah tanah
- Pekerjaan pembuatan diafragma wall termasuk underground activities
- Pekerjaan pembuatan basement parkir juga termasuk.
Maka seandainya ingin dikover dengan underground activities, maka dapat dilekatkan endorsement 400 Cover for Underground Machinery and Equipment (dengan deductible tertentu):
However, loss or damage due to abandonment of these items shall be excluded from the cover
Oleh: Afrianto Budi P, SS. MM.
It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the policy or endorsed thereon and subject to the insured having paid the agreed extra premium, the insurers shall indemnify the insured for loss of or damage to item (s) No (s) …………. Contained in the specification of insured items of the policy due to flood, inundation, landslide, or rockslide, subsidence, collapse or adits, galleries, tunnels, etc, up to a limit of per accident.
However, loss or damage due to abandonment of these items shall be excluded from the cover
Oleh: Afrianto Budi P, SS. MM.